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Local Cluster

Enabling UI Extensions

On the local cluster running Rancher, you'll need to first enable Extensions.

  1. Log into Rancher as an administrator.
  2. Click the menu in the upper-left of the main dashboard and click the Extensions link near the bottom.
  3. Click the Enable button on the Extensions screen.
  4. Click Ok, when prompted to Enable Extension Support.

Enable Extensions

Installing STIGATRON UI Plugin

Next, on the same local cluster, run the following Helm commands to install the UI Plugin for STIGATRON (see the tgz method above for airgap with no Helm repository) and ensure to substitute your registry:

helm install -n carbide-stigatron-system --create-namespace \
--set "global.cattle.systemDefaultRegistry=<registry-url>" \
stigatron-ui carbide-charts/stigatron-ui

Check the status of the rollout:

helm status -n carbide-stigatron-system stigatron-ui

Downstream Clusters

Installing CIS Benchmark Operator

On downstream clusters, you'll need to first install Rancher's CIS Benchmark Operator:

  1. Navigate to your cluster in the Explore Cluster menu.
  2. On the left, select Apps and click Charts.
  3. In the Filter box on the right, type CIS Benchmark.
  4. Review the Chart Information and when ready click Install.
  5. Leave all default values, select Next, and then click Install.
  6. Wait for the installation to complete and feel free to close the kubectl shell.

Creating the License Secret

Next, you'll need to create the carbide-stigatron-system namespace and create a secret named stigatron-license containing your Carbide License. This step is critical, as STIGATRON operator will not start without this secret present:

# Create the namespace
kubectl create namespace carbide-stigatron-system

# Now create the secret, substituting your license
kubectl create secret generic stigatron-license -n carbide-stigatron-system --from-literal=license=YOUR_LICENSE_HERE

Installing STIGATRON Operator

Next, you'll need to run the following Helm command to install the STIGATRON Operator (NOTE: Using carbide-stigatron-system as the namespace is required):

helm install -n carbide-stigatron-system \
--set "global.cattle.systemDefaultRegistry=<registry-url>" \
--set "<registry-url>" \
stigatron carbide-charts/stigatron

Check the status of the rollout:

helm status -n carbide-stigatron-system stigatron

You should now see STIGATRON on the left menu of your Explore Cluster.