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Bundle Artifacts in Connected Environment

In a connected environment, utilize the Hauler CLI to verify and collect the Rancher Government images and helm chart from the Carbide Secured Registry.

  1. Download the public key for Carbide.

    curl -sfL -o /tmp/
  2. Login into the Carbide registry with your Carbide Credentials, then validate and fetch the images to the local Hauler store. Add the Rancher helm chart to your store, and save store as a tarball.

    hauler login -u <redacted> -p <redacted>
    hauler store sync --products rancher-government=v2.10.3 --key
    hauler store add chart rancher --repo --version 2.10.3
    hauler store save --filename rancher-govt.tar.zst
  3. Move the resulting rancher-govt.tar.zst file into your airgapped/classified environment.

Copy Files to Your Classified Registry

  1. Copy the rancher-govt.tar.zst and the Hauler binary to a server in your airgapped/classified environment. Please ensure Hauler is added to your PATH.

  2. Log in to your registry, load the bundle to the local store, and copy the images to your registry.

    hauler login <registry-url> -u <redacted> -p <redacted>
    hauler store load rancher-govt.tar.zst
    hauler store copy registry://<registry-url>

Rancher Government Helm Chart

  1. Add and update the helm repository.

    helm repo add carbide-charts
    helm repo update carbide-charts
  2. Update the values for your environment and set the rancherImageTag with the -carbide-* tag.

    helm install rancher carbide-charts/rancher \
    --namespace cattle-system \
    --set hostname=<> \
    --set bootstrapPassword=admin \
    --set rancherImageTag=v2.10.3-carbide-1 \
    --set carbide.whitelabel.enabled=false \

Upgrade Your Rancher Installation

  1. Add and update the helm repository.

    helm repo add carbide-charts
    helm repo update carbide-charts
  2. Get existing values.

    helm get values -n cattle-system rancher > /tmp/values.yaml
  3. Update values for your environment and set rancherImageTag with the -carbide-* tag.

    helm upgrade rancher carbide-charts/rancher \
    --namespace cattle-system \
    -f /tmp/values.yaml \
    --set rancherImageTag=v2.10.3-carbide-1 \
    --set carbide.whitelabel.enabled=false \

For more information about airgapped installation of Rancher, see the docs here.