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RKE2/K3s Uninstall


Reverting to DockerHub Images (Private Registry)

If using a private registry, to revert from using the Carbide Secured Images to the normal Rancher images, you simply need to follow the docs to pull the normal images and overwrite them in your registry:

Upon restart of your pods, they should be utilizing the upstream images.

NOTE: If you've configured enforcement using Kubewarden or Kyverno, be sure to disable/uninstall to avoid policy enforcement blocking DockerHub images.

Reverting to DockerHub Images (Directly)

If you want to revert to using images directly from Docker Hub, you'll need to delete the registries.yaml configuration file made here.

You will also need to unset the system-default-registry configuration when installing K3s by re-running the curl command used to install K3s on each node, with the parameter unset.

For instance, if you originally ran the following when using Carbide images:

curl -sfL | INSTALL_K3S_EXEC="server --flannel-backend none" K3S_TOKEN=12345 sh - --system-default-registry <registry-url>

You'd need to run:

curl -sfL | INSTALL_K3S_EXEC="server --flannel-backend none" K3S_TOKEN=12345 sh -


Reverting to DockerHub Images (Private Registry)

If using a private registry, to revert from using the Carbide Secured Images to the normal Rancher images, you simply need to follow the docs to pull the normal images and overwrite them in your registry:

Upon restart of your pods, they should be utilizing the upstream images.

Reverting to DockerHub Images (Directly)

If you want to revert to using images directly from Docker Hub, you'll need to delete the registries.yaml configuration file made here.

You'll also need to clean up the system-default-registry key/value from your /etc/rancher/rke2/config.yaml file on each node, and restart rke2.

# /etc/rancher/rke2/config.yaml
node-name: controlplane1
write-kubeconfig-mode: 0640

To restart controlplane nodes, run: systemctl restart rke2-server To restart agents, run: systemctl restart rke2-agent

NOTE: For controlplane nodes, be sure to restart them one at a time.