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Loading Images to a Registry

This page will walk you through seeding your registry with downloaded images from the CSR for all Rancher components.

This demonstration will be using hauler, but any tool with the ability to push/pull an oci image will be adequate.

This assumes you've followed the downloading images section and that you've transferred your tarballs to your airgapped environment.


# load the content from the tarball to the hauler store
hauler store load --store carbide-store carbide-images.tar.zst

# copy the content from the hauler store to your registry
hauler store copy --store carbide-store --username <redacted> --password <redacted> registry://<registry-url>


# load the content from the tarball to the hauler store
hauler store load --store k3s-store k3s-images.tar.zst

# copy the content from the hauler store to your registry
hauler store copy --store k3s-store --username <redacted> --password <redacted> registry://<registry-url>


# load the content from the tarball to the hauler store
hauler store load --store rke2-store rke2-images.tar.zst

# copy the content from the hauler store to your registry
hauler store copy --store rke2-store --username <redacted> --password <redacted> registry://<registry-url>


Cert Manager

# load the content from the tarball to the hauler store
hauler store load --store certmanager-store certmanager-images.tar.zst

# copy the content from the hauler store to your registry
hauler store copy --store certmanager-store --username <redacted> --password <redacted> registry://<registry-url>


# load the content from the tarball to the hauler store
hauler store load --store rancher-store rancher-images.tar.zst

# copy the content from the hauler store to your registry
hauler store copy --store rancher-store --username <redacted> --password <redacted> registry://<registry-url>


# load the content from the tarball to the hauler store
hauler store load --store longhorn-store longhorn-images.tar.zst

# copy the content from the hauler store to your registry
hauler store copy --store longhorn-store --username <redacted> --password <redacted> registry://<registry-url>


# load the content from the tarball to the hauler store
hauler store load --store neuvector-store neuvector-images.tar.zst

# copy the content from the hauler store to your registry
hauler store copy --store neuvector-store --username <redacted> --password <redacted> registry://<registry-url>


# load the content from the tarball to the hauler store
hauler store load --store kubewarden-store kubewarden-images.tar.zst

# copy the content from the hauler store to your registry
hauler store copy --store kubewarden-store --username <redacted> --password <redacted> registry://<registry-url>