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Loading Images to a Registry

This page will walk you through seeding your registry with local images from the hardened registry for all Rancher components.

Make sure you've checked out the section on Downloading Images and that you've airgapped the tarballs onto your network.


# load the content from the tarball to the hauler store
hauler store load carbide-images.tar.zst

# copy the content from the hauler store to your registry
hauler store copy --username <redacted> --password <redacted> registry://<registry-url>


# load the content from the tarball to the hauler store
hauler store load k3s-images.tar.zst

# copy the content from the hauler store to your registry
hauler store copy --username <redacted> --password <redacted> registry://<registry-url>


# load the content from the tarball to the hauler store
hauler store load rke2-images.tar.zst

# copy the content from the hauler store to your registry
hauler store copy --username <redacted> --password <redacted> registry://<registry-url>


Cert Manager

# load the content from the tarball to the hauler store
hauler store load cert-manager-images.tar.zst

# copy the content from the hauler store to your registry
hauler store copy --username <redacted> --password <redacted> registry://<registry-url>


# load the content from the tarball to the hauler store
hauler store load rancher-images.tar.zst

# copy the content from the hauler store to your registry
hauler store copy --username <redacted> --password <redacted> registry://<registry-url>


# load the content from the tarball to the hauler store
hauler store load longhorn-images.tar.zst

# copy the content from the hauler store to your registry
hauler store copy --username <redacted> --password <redacted> registry://<registry-url>


# load the content from the tarball to the hauler store
hauler store load neuvector-images.tar.zst

# copy the content from the hauler store to your registry
hauler store copy --username <redacted> --password <redacted> registry://<registry-url>


# load the content from the tarball to the hauler store
hauler store load kubewarden-images.tar.zst

# copy the content from the hauler store to your registry
hauler store copy --username <redacted> --password <redacted> registry://<registry-url>