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Provisioning Clusters

The following instructions apply to the Amazon EC2 C2S region, which is currently available in Tech Preview.

Creating a Carbide Cloud Credential

  1. In the Rancher Mananger menu, access Cloud Credentials (Cluster Management -> Cloud Credentials).

  2. Select Create and choose Amazon.

  3. Choose a name, click the toggle to enable the Carbide Instance Credential, select the default region for your environment, and click Create.

    Create Carbide Cloud Credential

Creating a Classified Cluster

  1. In the Rancher Manager menu, access Cluster Management and click Create. Ensure the RKE2/K3s toggle is enabled and select Amazon EC2.

  2. Select the Cloud Credentials created in the previous step, then add node pools as you normally would for provisioning a cluster from Rancher.

    PLEASE NOTE, in C2S:

    • It is required for you to enter an AMI ID and the respective SSH User for that AMI ID under the Advanced settings.

    • Not all Instance Types are available. Ensure you are leverage an Instance Type that is available in your environment. This list will be dynamic in the future.

    • Encrypted EBS volumes are required. Ensure you select the Encrypt EBS Volumes and choose a respective KMS key when provisioning.

    • If no security group is provided, Rancher will attempt to create a Security Group. If the ability to create Security Groups is limited, have a Security Group created by your Account Manager/Broker that has the appropriate port configuration and select that existing Security Group in the Advanced settings.

    Create RKE2 Cluster in C2S

    For more information on provisioning an RKE2/K3s cluster on Amazon EC2s, see the Rancher docs.

Registry Configuration

When using a private registry, downstream clusters must be configured with correct authentication and certificate information to access that registry via the registries.yaml file. Rancher provisioned clusters can be configured through the UI to generate the registries.yaml file.

  1. Under the Cluster Configuration section when provisioning a cluster, select the Registries section.

  2. Enter the registry domain in the Container Registry box, and either select existing registry credentials or create new credentials for authentication to the registry.

  3. If advanced configuration (mirroring, certificates, additional authentication) is required, add those to the advanced settings.

For more information, see the RKE2 Containerd Registry Configuration documentation.