Skipping past most of the documentation? Here's an easy to follow Quick Start Guide:
Quick Installation​
# install latest release
curl -sfL https://get.hauler.dev | bash
Example Use of Hauler​
Add Content to the Hauler Store​
Using the Command Line:
# add a image... defaults to docker.io
hauler store add image neuvector/scanner:latest
# add a image with a specific platform and with supply chain artifacts
# may not work for all users due to the specified registry
hauler store add image rgcrprod.azurecr.us/longhornio/longhorn-ui:v1.5.2 --platform linux/amd64 --key carbide-key.pub
# add a helm chart with a specific version
hauler store add chart rancher --repo https://releases.rancher.com/server-charts/stable --version 2.8.2
# add a file and assign it a new name
hauler store add file https://get.rke2.io --name install.sh
Using a Hauler Manifest:
apiVersion: content.hauler.cattle.io/v1alpha1
kind: Images
name: hauler-content-images-example
- name: neuvector/scanner:latest
- name: rgcrprod.azurecr.us/longhornio/longhorn-ui:v1.6.0
key: carbide-key.pub
platform: linux/amd64
apiVersion: content.hauler.cattle.io/v1alpha1
kind: Charts
name: hauler-content-charts-example
- name: rancher
repoURL: https://releases.rancher.com/server-charts/stable
version: 2.8.2
apiVersion: content.hauler.cattle.io/v1alpha1
kind: Files
name: hauler-content-files-example
- path: https://get.rke2.io
name: install.sh
# fetch the content from hauler manifest
hauler store sync --files hauler-manifest.yaml
View the Hauler Store​
# view and verify the content in the local hauler store
hauler store info
Save the Hauler Store​
# save and export the content in the local hauler store
hauler store save --filename haul.tar.zst
airgap the haul.tar.zst
to the disconnected environment
Load the Airgapped Hauler Store​
# load and import the airgapped content to the new local hauler store
hauler store load haul.tar.zst
Serve the Hauler Store​
# serve the content as a registry from the hauler store
# defaults to <FQDN or IP>:5000
hauler store serve registry
# serve the file content as a fileserver from the hauler store
# defaults to <FQDN or IP>:8080
hauler store serve fileserver
Copy the Hauler Store​
# copy the content to a registry from the hauler store
# copies oci compliant artifacts
hauler store copy registry://registry.example.com
# copy the content to a directory from the hauler store
# copies non oci compliant artifacts
hauler store copy dir://hauler-files