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Version: 0.4.4

Hauler Store (Command)

Command Overview​

  • Interact with Hauler's embedded content store.
hauler store [flags]
hauler store [command]

store, s

Available Commands:
add Add content to store
copy Copy all store contents to another OCI registry
extract Extract content from the store to disk
info Print out information about the store
load Load a content store from a store archive
save Save a content store to a store archive
serve Expose the content of a local store through an OCI compliant server
sync Sync content to the embedded content store

--cache string Location of where to store cache data (defaults to $XDG_CACHE_DIR/hauler)
-h, --help help for store
-s, --store string Location to create store at (default "store")

Global Flags:
-l, --log-level string (default "info")

Use "hauler store [command] --help" for more information about a command.

hauler store add:​

  • Add content to store.
hauler store add [flags]
hauler store add [command]

Available Commands:
chart Add a local or remote chart to the content store
file Add a file to the content store
image Add an image to the content store

-h, --help help for add

Global Flags:
--cache string Location of where to store cache data (defaults to $XDG_CACHE_DIR/hauler)
-l, --log-level string (default "info")
-s, --store string Location to create store at (default "store")

Use "hauler store add [command] --help" for more information about a command.

hauler store add chart:​

  • Add a local or remote chart to the content store.
hauler store add chart [flags]


# add a local chart
hauler store add chart path/to/chart/directory

# add a local compressed chart
hauler store add chart path/to/chart.tar.gz

# add a remote chart
hauler store add chart longhorn --repo ""

# add a specific version of a chart
hauler store add chart rancher --repo "" --version "2.6.2"

--ca-file string verify certificates of HTTPS-enabled servers using this CA bundle
--cert-file string identify HTTPS client using this SSL certificate file
-h, --help help for chart
--insecure-skip-tls-verify skip tls certificate checks for the chart download
--key-file string identify HTTPS client using this SSL key file
--password string chart repository password where to locate the requested chart
--repo string chart repository url where to locate the requested chart
--username string chart repository username where to locate the requested chart
--verify verify the package before using it
--version string specify a version constraint for the chart version to use. This constraint can be a specific tag (e.g. 1.1.1) or it may reference a valid range (e.g. ^2.0.0). If this is not specified, the latest version is used

Global Flags:
--cache string Location of where to store cache data (defaults to $XDG_CACHE_DIR/hauler)
-l, --log-level string (default "info")
-s, --store string Location to create store at (default "store")

hauler store add file:​

  • Add a file to the content store.
hauler store add file [flags]

-h, --help help for file
-n, --name string (Optional) Name to assign to file in store

Global Flags:
--cache string Location of where to store cache data (defaults to $XDG_CACHE_DIR/hauler)
-l, --log-level string (default "info")
-s, --store string Location to create store at (default "store")

hauler store add image:​

  • Add an image to the content store.
hauler store add image [flags]

-h, --help help for image
-k, --key string (Optional) Path to the key for digital signature verification
-p, --platform string (Optional) Specific platform to save. i.e. linux/amd64. Defaults to all if flag is omitted.

Global Flags:
--cache string Location of where to store cache data (defaults to $XDG_CACHE_DIR/hauler)
-l, --log-level string (default "info")
-s, --store string Location to create store at (default "store")

hauler store copy:​

  • Copy all store contents to another OCI registry.
hauler store copy [flags]

-h, --help help for copy
--insecure Toggle allowing insecure connections when copying to a remote registry
-p, --password string Password when copying to an authenticated remote registry
--plain-http Toggle allowing plain http connections when copying to a remote registry
-u, --username string Username when copying to an authenticated remote registry

Global Flags:
--cache string Location of where to store cache data (defaults to $XDG_CACHE_DIR/hauler)
-l, --log-level string (default "info")
-s, --store string Location to create store at (default "store")h

hauler store extract:​

  • Extract content from the store to disk.
hauler store extract [flags]

extract, x

-h, --help help for extract
-o, --output string Directory to save contents to (defaults to current directory)

Global Flags:
--cache string Location of where to store cache data (defaults to $XDG_CACHE_DIR/hauler)
-l, --log-level string (default "info")
-s, --store string Location to create store at (default "store")

hauler store info:​

  • Print out information about the store.
hauler store info [flags]

info, i, list, ls

-h, --help help for info
-o, --output string Output format (table, json) (default "table")
-t, --type string Filter on type (image, chart, file) (default "all")

Global Flags:
--cache string Location of where to store cache data (defaults to $XDG_CACHE_DIR/hauler)
-l, --log-level string (default "info")
-s, --store string Location to create store at (default "store")

hauler store load:​

  • Load a content store from a store archive.
hauler store load [flags]

-h, --help help for load

Global Flags:
--cache string Location of where to store cache data (defaults to $XDG_CACHE_DIR/hauler)
-l, --log-level string (default "info")
-s, --store string Location to create store at (default "store")

hauler store save:​

  • Save a content store to a store archive.
hauler store save [flags]

-f, --filename string Name of archive (default "pkg.tar.zst")
-h, --help help for save

Global Flags:
--cache string Location of where to store cache data (defaults to $XDG_CACHE_DIR/hauler)
-l, --log-level string (default "info")
-s, --store string Location to create store at (default "store")

hauler store serve:​

  • Expose the content of a local store through an OCI compliant server.
hauler store serve [flags]

Available Commands:
fileserver Serve the file server
registry Serve the embedded registry

-h, --help help for serve

Global Flags:
--cache string Location of where to store cache data (defaults to $XDG_CACHE_DIR/hauler)
-l, --log-level string (default "info")
-s, --store string Location to create store at (default "store")

hauler store serve registry:​

  • Serve the embedded registry
hauler store serve registry [flags]

-c, --config string Path to a config file, will override all other configs
--directory string Directory to use for backend. Defaults to $PWD/registry (default "registry")
-h, --help help for registry
-p, --port int Port to listen on. (default 5000)

Global Flags:
--cache string Location of where to store cache data (defaults to $XDG_CACHE_DIR/hauler)
-l, --log-level string (default "info")
-s, --store string Location to create store at (default "store")

hauler store serve fileserver:​

  • Serve the fileserver
hauler store serve fileserver [flags]

--directory string Directory to use for backend. Defaults to $PWD/store-files (default "store-files")
-h, --help help for fileserver
-p, --port int Port to listen on. (default 8080)

Global Flags:
--cache string Location of where to store cache data (defaults to $XDG_CACHE_DIR/hauler)
-l, --log-level string (default "info")
-s, --store string Location to create store at (default "store")

hauler store sync:​

  • Sync content to the embedded content store.
hauler store sync [flags]

-f, --files strings Path to content files
-h, --help help for sync
-k, --key string (Optional) Path to the key for signature verification
-p, --platform string (Optional) Specific platform to save. i.e. linux/amd64. Defaults to all if flag is omitted.
--products strings Used for RGS Carbide customers to supply a product and version and Hauler will retrieve the images. i.e. '--product rancher=v2.7.6'

Global Flags:
--cache string Location of where to store cache data (defaults to $XDG_CACHE_DIR/hauler)
-l, --log-level string (default "info")
-s, --store string Location to create store at (default "store")h